Three Teens Dead in Sarasota Causeway Crash

Authorities say two teenage brothers and a teenage girl are dead following a crash on a causeway. A Sarasota police news release says the crash occurred early Wednesday morning on the John Ringling Causeway. Police say... Read More.

Sarasota Schools New Cell Phone Policy

Last night, the Sarasota School board took decisive action in how to handle cell phones on campus. They unanimously approved the ban. Elementary school students can have the phones, but they must... Read More.

Three Sewage Spills Reported in Sarasota County

According to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, thousands of gallons of raw sewage spilled during three incidents in Sarasota County over the past weeks. The first incident happened on May 22 when a... Read More.

New Cellphone Rules for Sarasota County Schools

The school board in Sarasota County is considering new rules that would restrict students' cellphone use. Officially, the policy of the Sarasota County School Board is that cellphones should be turned off and put... Read More.

Sarasota Co. DUI Court Program Graduates 12th Class

Another class of the Sarasota County DUI Court Program had their graduation this week. The program is an intensive outpatient alcohol and drug treatment program that offers interventions and counseling rather than jail time.... Read More.

Sarasota Co. Sheriff Wont Seek Re-election

Sarasota County Sheriff Tom Knight has announced he won’t be seeking re-election when his current term ends in January 2021. In a press release today, Knight did not state his reason for not seeking... Read More.

Negotiations Ongoing Between Sarasota Co. Schools, Union

There are some important bargaining sessions going on between Sarasota County Schools and the teachers' union, the Sarasota Classified Teacher’s Association. Among the negotiations include a $12 minium wage for some classified employees and... Read More.