One Engle­wood side­walk project is near­ing com­ple­tion while another is still a few weeks away from being done. Char­lotte County officials said yesterday that work on the Bound­ary Boule­vard side­walk between Rebel Court and Vineland Ele­men­tary School has been com­pleted suf­fi­ciently that traf­fic pat­terns will return to normal. Work con­tin­ues on the Manor Road side­walk between South McCall and Placida roads. This work will con­tinue for a few more weeks as con­struc­tion related to the side­walk will be car­ried out. There will be lane clo­sures, and daily traf­fic pat­terns may change to accom­mo­date con­struc­tion.