The Festival of Trees is this weekend:

It’s the fourth annual event, held the first weekend of December each year. This year’s Festival of Trees is from 4 to 9 p.m. Sat­ur­day at Englewood’s on Dear­born. Pro­ceeds of the fundraiser will sup­port edu­ca­tional pro­grams for the Engle­wood on the Gulf Chap­ter of Women’s Coun­cil of Real­tors, with a por­tion of the pro­ceeds ben­e­fit­ing local food pantry Engle­wood Help­ing Hand.
Dec­o­rated trees will be up for auc­tion. Atten­dees are encour­aged to bring a dona­tion of food, per­sonal hygiene or paper products to the event to help Engle­wood fam­i­lies in need. It will cost $15 to get in.