(PUNTA GORDA) Charlotte County Sheriff’s detectives continue their lengthy and detailed investigation into a burglary crime spree east of Punta Gorda. More charges have been filed on Jeremy Cole Jackson, 18, 4615 LaGroce Drive, Punta Gorda; he is now charged with three church burglaries, a business and a home.

Latest charges against Jackson include burglary and theft to Eastside Baptist Church, 6220 Golf Course Blvd. ($4,100), Independent Pentacostal Church, 4827 Fairway Dr. ($9,425), and New Life Family Worship Church, 28330 Bermont Road ($1,220). He was also charged with burglary to a home at 6064 Golf Course Blvd. ($15,000 theft and $20,000 in damages), and MSB Used Auto Parts, 5029 Dalewood Street ($1,000).

Nathanial Davis Kruger, 19, 4325 Knollwood Drive was also charged with the East Side Baptist Church and the MSB business burglary. Julian Daniel Eckard, 17, 4415 Alta Vista Drive, was charged in connection with a vehicle burglary with theft of a wallet and using a stolen credit card.

Jackson remains in the Charlotte County Jail on $57,000 bond; Kruger also remains in jail on $31,500 bond; Eckard continues serving 21 days in the Department of Juvenile Justice in Ft. Myers. Eckard has been booked into the County Jail 21 times; Jackson 19 times; and Kruger 16 times. All three remain part of the ongoing investigation into multiple burglary and thefts; more charges are expected.