2024 NEST Calendar now available
During a special presentation at the Sarasota County Nov. 28 commission meeting, student artist winners were recognized for this year’s annual Neighborhood Environmental Stewardship Team (NEST) Calendar, “Clean and Green,” teaching elementary school students the importance of our waterways. To watch the presentation, visit loom.ly/8YdzYYY.
The calendar is now available at county facilities while supplies last. To view the calendar online, visit scgov.net/NEST.
Sarasota County developed the Neighborhood Environmental Stewardship Team or NEST; recognizing that one way to achieve comprehensive watershed management is to involve the community or homeowners. To create awareness that what we do on the land impacts our water resources. To learn more about the NEST Program or to participate, visit the Sarasota County Water Atlas’ NEST page.
The NEST program operates at the neighborhood-level to improve watershed-scale resources, and no matter where you are in Sarasota County, you are in one of the county’s watersheds.
Shoreline restorations will help to minimize bank erosion, improve water quality and provide wildlife, bird and fish habitat.
Shoreline restoration is an easy way to add beauty to your yard and neighborhood and help improve the health of the water bodies your stormwater impacts.
Remember that water from your pond may find its way downstream into our creeks, rivers or bays. Your actions can help to restore and protect our waterways.