Sarasota County Florida
On Nov. 15, 2022, the county commission adopted Ordinance 2022-069, which amends Chapter 106 of the county code, eliminating the option to accept yard waste in plastic bags for processing at the Central County Landfill.
Many neighboring communities have eliminated plastic bags from their yard waste collection processes and require residents to use paper bags and/or reusable containers for curbside disposal. The elimination of plastic bags from the yard waste stream helps support Sarasota County’s commitment to environmental stewardship and will help reduce staffing challenges and associated costs.
Between March 1-April 28, residences that prepare yard waste in plastic bags will receive an informational door hanger with a reminder that plastic bags will no longer be accepted as of May 1.
After May 1, yard waste in plastic bags will NOT be collected. Any yard waste material in plastic bags will be tagged and left at the curb. In order to have the materials picked up curbside, residents should place the yard waste material in paper bags, reusable containers or bundles for collection on the next regularly scheduled collection day.