The next city of Sarasota Regular Commission meeting is planned for this Monday, April 3rd. They start meeting at 2:30 p.m. The agenda is out. Several public hearings are planned. They include a public hearing on a proposed ordinance providing for a second extention of the “Portable Sign Pilot Program” for one additional year, allowing portable signs to be placed on public rights-of-way in downtown Sarasota. There’s also a public hearing planned to amend the transportation chapter of the city’s comprehensive plan. Under “new business,” the commissioners will get a presentation on, and have a discussion of, the comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year that ended on September 30th of 2016. Commissioners will hear about a proclamation declaring April of 2017 as Child Abuse Prevention Month. A lot of items are on the “consent agenda,” including approving a request to set up a special joint meeting with the Sarasota County Board of Commissioners for Wednesday, April 26th, pertaining to the question of final payment of Tax Increment Funds from the Downtown Sarasota Community Redevelopment Area into the Community Redevelopment Trust Fund.